Maintenance Simulators

Maintenance simulators play a pivotal role in the Railway, Defence, and other complex system applications by providing dynamic 3D simulations. These simulators serve as a crucial step towards digital twinning, enabling predictive maintenance and design improvements. The systems are meticulously designed to impart comprehensive knowledge, enhance skills, and deepen understanding of intricate designs. This advanced training leads to significant improvements in troubleshooting, fault removal, and corrective actions.

In the railway industry, maintenance simulators help operators manage complex machinery and systems, ensuring safety and efficiency. Defence applications benefit from simulators by preparing personnel for real-world scenarios, enhancing readiness and operational performance. Similarly, in other complex systems, simulators offer invaluable training, ensuring that personnel are adept at managing and maintaining sophisticated equipment.

Ultimately, the integration of 3D dynamic simulations in maintenance training enhances overall system reliability, reduces downtime, and fosters continuous improvement in system design and maintenance practices.

Railway / Metro




The instructor station is a central control station for all the sub systems selected in the maintenance simulator. It will have a number of displays depending on the number of subsystems. The instructor station will allow the instructor to control the simulation scenarios, such as introducing faults, changing external conditions such as temperature, smole outside etc. in HVAC,  or altering train speed for braking or traction control. The instructor station will also monitor the trainee's actions, such as checking their response time, accuracy, and problem-solving skills. The instructor station will provide feedback, guidance, and assessment to the trainee, such as displaying hints, tips, scores, or reports. The instructor station will record and store the trainee's performance data for later review or analysis.

Controlling Instructor Station

The physical replicas of subsystems are scaled-down or full-size replicas of the actual subsystems that are installed in the train. The physical replicas of subsystems will have the same appearance, functionality, and behaviour as the real subsystems. The physical replicas of subsystems will be equipped with sensors, actuators, lights, sounds, and other devices that will simulate the normal and faulty conditions of the subsystems. The physical replicas of subsystems will also have some dummy or non-functional parts that will enhance the realism of the simulation. The physical replicas of subsystems will be connected to the trainee interaction desk and the instructor station via a wired or wireless network.

Scale Down Functional Physical Replicas

C.C engineers has developed the SOVAC technology which provides photo-realistic high resolution imagery. It is accompanied by a sophisticated and detailed state-of-the-art sound system that simulates various sounds a driver might encounter on a train--fault sounds, machinery, people on the platform, etc.

Free Exploration of the Train in a 3D Virtual Environment

In the Information mode, the trainee can see every component of the sub-system and understand its functional characteristics. The software provides information in the form of photos, videos, animations or text documentation as per the instructional design. The trainee can access the information by clicking on the component or using the menu. The INFORMATION mode is designed to help the trainee familiarize himself with the sub-system and its components in detail. 

Information Mode

The normal operations simulations component of the maintenance simulator allows the trainee to interact with the sub-system and observe its behaviour under various scenarios. The trainee can use the graphical user interface to control the input parameters and the environmental conditions that affect the sub-system, such as temperature, pressure, voltage, etc. The trainee can also monitor the output parameters and the performance indicators of the sub-system, such as speed, torque, efficiency, etc. The normal operations simulations help the trainee to learn how the sub-system operates under different conditions and how to optimize its performance and minimize its energy consumption. The trainee can also compare the simulated results with the theoretical calculations and the actual data from the field.

Normal Operations Simulations 

The software logic flow chart simulation component of the maintenance simulator is a useful tool for learning how the sub-system operates and responds to different inputs and conditions. The trainee can select any mode of operation and observe the flow of logic in the microprocessor that controls the sub-system. The flow chart shows the sequence of steps, decisions, loops, and branches that the microprocessor follows to achieve the desired output. The trainee can also see the values of various parameters and variables that affect the logic, as well as the status of sensors, actuators, and switches. The software logic flow chart simulation helps the trainee to understand the design and functioning of the sub-system, as well as the safety features and fault detection mechanisms that are implemented in the software. 

Software Logic Flow Chart Simulation 

The electrical and control circuit simulation component of the maintenance simulator is another useful tool for learning how the sub-system receives and sends signals to perform various functions. The electrical and control circuits are depicted exactly as per the OEM documentation and following international standards for symbols. The display shows in real time through coloured animations the status of each component and wire in the circuit, and also depicts quantitative parameters such as current and voltage when they are critical for the sub-system operation. The circuits also display the sensing of parameters and communication of the same to the control system. The trainee can manipulate the inputs and outputs of the circuit and observe the effects on the sub-system behaviour. The electrical and control circuit simulation helps the trainee to understand the wiring and connectivity of the sub-system, as well as the logic and feedback mechanisms that are involved in the control process.

Electrical and Control Circuit Simulation

The fault diagnosis and troubleshooting mode of the maintenance simulator is a component that allows the trainee to practice their skills in identifying and resolving faults in the engineering sub-systems. The mode enables the instructor to set a fault scenario for any sub-system, such as a leak, a blockage, a short circuit, etc. The fault scenario will also generate corresponding fault messages on the microprocessor display, which the trainee as a starting point in  locating the source of the problem. The trainee can then use the working model or the electrical and control circuit simulation to diagnose the fault and determine its cause and effect. The trainee can also use the DS3D to view the faulty component and its status in 3D, and access its information and functions.

Fault Diagnosis and Troubleshooting 

The dynamic simulation in 3D, or DS3D, is a component of the maintenance simulator that provides an immersive and interactive 3D virtual training for the engineering sub-system. The DS3D aims to simplify the design, testing, and training processes, and to enhance the efficiency and user experience of the trainees and instructors. The system depicts real time status and process synchronised with the working model.  The DS3D allows the trainee to view the selected sub-system as a rich interactive 3D image that has been generated using the CAD models of the sub-system. The trainee can zoom, rotate, and pan the 3D model, and select any component to access its information and functions. The simulation environment indicates the real-time status of every component, such as its position, movement, temperature, pressure, etc.

Dynamic Simulation in 3D

The trainees can also access video based training modules for preventive maintenance of the metro train subsystems. These modules are prepared using video shootings of each procedure done step by step as per the OEM documentation. The video clips start with the documented procedure provided by the subsystem manufacturer, followed by the safety norms and a video clip of each step of the documented procedure. The video clips can be animated using 3D animations or videography done at the maintenance workshops by trained staff. The video based training modules aim to reinforce the theoretical knowledge and demonstrate the best practices of preventive maintenance in a visual and interactive way. The trainees can watch the video clips at their own pace and repeat them as many times as they need.

Video Based Modules for Preventive Maintenance

Another way of providing practical training for maintenance is to use virtual reality modules that simulate the metro train subsystems and the maintenance procedures. These modules create an immersive and realistic training environment where the trainees can interact with the virtual equipment and tools using a headset and controllers. The virtual reality modules allow the trainees to practice the preventive maintenance tasks in a safe and controlled setting, without the risk of damaging the real equipment or causing accidents. The virtual reality modules also offer feedback and guidance to the trainees throughout the process, as well as assessment and evaluation at the end. The virtual reality modules can enhance the trainees' learning outcomes and retention, as well as their confidence and motivation. The virtual reality modules can also reduce the cost and time of training, as they do not require physical access to the metro train subsystems or the availability of trainers. 

Virtual Reality (VR) Modules

Augmented Reality (AR) or Mixed Reality modules are another way of providing practical training for maintenance that use physical devices, such as tablets or smart glasses, to overlay digital information on the real metro train subsystems. These modules enable the trainees to identify the system components through the lens of the device and see a digital twin of the system that matches the real one. The trainees can move around the system and the digital twin in 3D and view it from different angles and perspectives. The AR modules can be used to teach the trainees how to identify the specific components of a complex subsystem and how to perform the steps and procedures for taking corrective actions during troubleshooting.

Augmented Reality (AR) or Mixed Reality Modules

The combined mode operation of the train is a module that simulates the real-life scenarios of running a metro train with all the subsystems working together. The trainees can learn how to use the cab controls and indicators, monitor the speed and position of the train, communicate with the control center, and respond to different situations and faults that may occur during the operation. The module allows the trainees to experience the normal operation of the train under different modes, such as manual, automatic, or ATO (automatic train operation), as well as the emergency operation in case of a power failure, fire, or derailment. The module also teaches the trainees how to handle the passenger-related aspects of the operation, such as opening and closing the doors, making announcements, and ensuring the safety and comfort of the passengers. The combined mode operation of the train is a comprehensive and realistic module that integrates the knowledge and skills acquired from the other modules and prepares the trainees for the actual performance of their duties as metro train drivers or operators. 

Combined Mode Operation of the Train