Maintenance Simulators for Rail Industry

Maintenance simulators for locomotives such as WAG9, WAG7, WAP7, WAP5, WDM2, WDG4, and trainsets like Vande Bharat and Metro trainsets from ALSTOM, Bombardier, BEML, TMH, or Titagarh are sophisticated tools that replicate all sub-systems of the trainset/locomotive. These simulators cover mechanical, electrical, and microprocessor logic for each sub-system. TCMS (Train Control and Management System) simulations generally include combined operations of sub-systems, troubleshooting, and train performance evaluation. Digital twins, an advanced aspect of these simulators, enable the study of any sub-system's behaviour and have the potential to use real-time data for predictive maintenance. By leveraging these technologies, operators can ensure more reliable and efficient maintenance procedures, minimizing downtime and enhancing the overall performance of the railway systems. These simulators are essential for modern railway management, offering a comprehensive approach to train and locomotive maintenance.

Simulator Configuration

Full Loco Maintenance Simulator

This will be a full size loco simulator with cabs on both sides. The cab and the entire machine room will be replicated along with all mechanical components such as blowers, compressors, and brake panels. It will also house electrical control panels with wirings and MCBs which are fully functional in the simulated environment. Both the cabs will be replicated with microprocessors and all features of the driver desk. The rooftop components are also replicated and functional. The underframe is depicted pictorially on an independent frame.

Sub-System Simulators

These simulators assist trainees in understanding the normal working of each sub-system and recreate the troubleshooting environment. In a safe environment, the trainee can learn the electric, control and software signals that are exchanged between the system and its controlling microprocessor and understand the communication and signals exchanged between the system microprocessor and train/vehicle control and management system (TCMS). These simulators are essential in helping trainees to understand the importance and functioning of trainlines and in familiarizing them with each subsystem up to the last replaceable component.

Virtual Maintenance Simulator

Virtual simulators are multiplatform simulators which can be used on modern devices like computers, smartphones, tablets and even on virtual reality headsets. They provide a high level of immersion through a 3-D environment and provide flexibility in terms of training location. The fault simulation system in the simulators also employs advanced technology through which all possible faults that can occur in the locomotive are fully simulated. The trainee driver can take corrective action based on the standard TSD (troubleshooting directory) for the vehicle and when faults require the driver to go to the machine room, rooftop or under the train, corrective action can be taken through a 3-D virtual screen. These individual systems work in tandem to generate a full simulation of a real environment.

Desktop Cab Simulator

The Desktop static cab simulator has all the features of a full motion simulator, excepting the motion platform. The static cab simulator is normally manufactured to scale and has a driver desk with all the actual components. Such simulators provide a high degree of immersion in the simulation experience through simulating sound as well as visual elements. This requires much less space than that required by the full-scale 6 DOF simulator and is an economical version of the same.

Major Sub-System Simulators


The train control and management system (TCMS) is the brain of the train, which monitors and controls all the subsystems and provides information to the driver and passengers. The TCMS consists of a vehicle control computer (VCC). The TCMS model replicates the functionality of the real system and allows the user to interact with various subsystems through the driver desk components, such as the display unit, the master controller, the brake handle, and the emergency brake. The user can simulate different scenarios and see how the TCMS reacts to them, such as generating faults, activating alarms, or switching modes.

The HVAC System

The passenger cabin system (MTS-PAC), which consists of a scaled-down or real OEM passenger cabin fitted with functional seats, windows, doors, lights, and emergency equipment. The passenger cabin system replicates the interior environment of a metro train and demonstrates the comfort and safety features for the passengers. The system also has a transparent roof mounted HVAC unit that shows the working of the heat exchanger, the fan, the filter, and the thermostat. The HVAC unit can be controlled by a simulation software that mimics the different modes of operation, such as cooling, heating, ventilation, and dehumidification.

Doors Including Detrainment and Cabin Doors

The door system model replicates the operation of the train doors, including the passenger doors, the detrainment doors, and the cabin doors. The user can control the door system through a driver desk that has all the functions to run the train. The driver desk also displays the status of the doors on a screen. The user can see how the doors open and close automatically depending on the train position and speed, as well as how the doors handle obstruction and emergency situations. The door system model is a realistic and interactive demonstration of the safety and efficiency of the train doors.

The Braking System

The system consists of the brake discs /  brake callipers, controlled through the simulated brake control unit modelled in the simulation software.  The braking system reduces the speed of the train or brings it to a stop by applying frictional force to the wheels. The demonstration model of the braking system features a large panel with a mimic of the pneumatic braking circuit, a driver desk, and a functional pneumatic model of the brake circuit.

Traction Motor Gearcase

The traction motor gear case model is a device that demonstrates the transfers the rotational power from the traction motor to the axle of the wheels. The traction motor gear case is coupled to a motor to demonstrate rotational functions by which it reduces the speed and increases the torque of the rotation to match the optimal performance of the wheels. The traction motor gear case consists of a pinion, a gear, and a bearing. The traction motor gear case is located inside the bogie of the train, near the wheels.

Auxiliary Power

The auxiliary converter inverter is a device that converts the alternating current from the overhead catenary system into direct current for the train auxiliaries. The converter inverter also controls the frequency and voltage of the current to regulate the sequence, speed and torque of the auxiliary systems.  The converter inverter is composed of two parts: the converter, which rectifies the AC input into DC output, and the inverter, which inverts the DC output into AC output.

Passenger Announcement and Information Systems

The passenger announcement and information system (PAPIS) is a subsystem of the communication and control system that provides audio and visual information to the passengers inside the train. The PAPIS consists of loudspeakers, microphones, displays, and a controller unit that are integrated with the passenger cabin system and the driver's desk. The PAPIS can broadcast pre-recorded or live messages, such as station names, route maps, service updates, safety instructions, and emergency alerts. The PAPIS can also display text, graphics, and videos on the LCD screens mounted on the walls or overhead panels of the passenger cabin. The PAPIS controller unit can be programmed to synchronize the messages with the train location, speed, and direction, as well as the external conditions, such as weather, traffic, or incidents.

The Propulsion System

The converter inverter, which is a device that converts the alternating current from the overhead catenary system into direct current for the motor and other subsystems. The converter inverter also controls the frequency and voltage of the current to regulate the speed and torque of the motor. The converter inverter is composed of two parts: the converter, which rectifies the AC input into DC output, and the inverter, which inverts the DC output into AC output. 

The Bogie - Suspension System

The physical system of the bogie and suspension (MTS-BoS) is a model that consists of a physical OEM bogie or a mock scaled down model of the train bogie fit with primary, secondary and air suspensions, traction motor, braking components, axles with wheels. The physical system demonstrates the operation and functionality of the suspension systems that provide stability, comfort, and safety to the train. The physical system of the bogie and suspension has a selected mechanical and electrical components of the bogie and suspension, such as the bogie frame, the bolster, the axle box, the wheel set, the traction motor, the gear box, the brake disc, the brake calliper, the primary spring, the secondary spring, the air spring, and the damper.

The Pneumatic System

The scaled down model of the pneumatic air supply system (MTS-PnS) is a model that consists of a miniature compressor, a miniature air reservoir, a miniature air dryer, and various valves and safety devices. The model demonstrates the generation and distribution of compressed air for different functions of the train, such as horn, door operation, sanding, and emergency braking. The model of the pneumatic air supply system has selected components of the real system, such as the main compressor, the auxiliary compressor, the main reservoir, the auxiliary reservoir, the air dryer, the pressure regulator, the pressure relief valve, the check valve, the isolation valve, the non-return valve, the solenoid valve, the manual valve, and the drain valve.

The Pantograph and Catenary System

The pantograph and catenary system (MTS-PAC), which consists of a scaled-down or real OEM pantograph mounted on a roof platform, a representative overhead line equipment (OHE) catenary section with a tensioning device, and insulated rooftop components such as the main isolating switch and the surge arrester. The pantograph and catenary system collects high voltage electrical power from the OHE and transfers it to the onboard transformer for the propulsion and auxiliary systems. The system also demonstrates the return of regenerated power back to the OHE during braking. Digital indicators at appropriate positions display real-time simulated values of voltage, current, and power. The system can simulate different scenarios such as pantograph raising and lowering, contact loss, arcing, short circuit, and power regeneration. 


The UTO system model, which consists of a mock-up of the driver's cab and a computer-generated interface (CGI) that simulates the train speed and position. The UTO system model allows the user to interact with the TCMS, and the signalling system as if they were driving a real train. The UTO system model is connected to a simulation software that replicates the train operation environment, such as the track layout, the station locations, the traffic scenarios, and the weather conditions. The UTO system model displays the status of the systems and the simulation on the CGI screen. The UTO system model can also receive and respond to external inputs, such as emergency alerts, service disruptions, or user commands.

The Fire Detection and Suppression System

The scaled down model of the pneumatic air supply system (MTS-PnS) is a model that consists of a miniature compressor, a miniature air reservoir, a miniature air dryer, and various valves and safety devices. The model demonstrates the generation and distribution of compressed air for different functions of the train, such as horn, door operation, sanding, and emergency braking. The model of the pneumatic air supply system has selected components of the real system, such as the main compressor, the auxiliary compressor, the main reservoir, the auxiliary reservoir, the air dryer, the pressure regulator, the pressure relief valve, the check valve, the isolation valve, the non-return valve, the solenoid valve, the manual valve, and the drain valve.

Gangway and Coupler

The gangway and coupler model replicates the operation of the flexible connection between the metro train cars, which allows the passengers to move freely and safely along the train. The gangway model has the facility to demonstrate the flexible movement of the gangway for operations around curvatures, elevations and railway switches. The model is controlled through independent actuators that simulate the movement of the gangway when the train moves along the track. The user can see how the gangway adapts to different track configurations and maintains a smooth and comfortable passage for the passengers. The coupler model consists of both types of automatic couplers mounted on a rail to demonstrate minimum speed requirements for coupling and pneumatically operated decoupler. The coupler model shows how the train cars can be easily and securely attached and detached using the couplers, which provide mechanical, electrical, and pneumatic connections between the cars.

Battery Charger

The battery charger is a device that converts the AC input from the overhead catenary system into DC output for charging the batteries of the train. The batteries provide backup power for the train auxiliaries in case of a power outage or emergency. The battery charger also regulates the voltage and current of the charging process to prevent overcharging or undercharging of the batteries. The battery charger is located under the train car, near the converter inverter. 

Optional Accessories / Services

Virtual Reality Compatible

Motion Chairs with 3 DOF

Efficient Installation and Commissioning

Client Training

Warranty Obligations

Comprehensive AMC